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来源:恐龙图片资料库 作者:佚名 日期:2013年05月09日 访问次数:

这个项目是为Medellín的一个建造贸易交易会设计的展亭,为了别出心裁,生动形象,设计运用展会上不同参展公司捐出的材料作为表皮,大小相同的板面互相混杂,形成鲜亮的表皮,另外它还可以跟随太阳的方向或是气候的变化发生相应变化。这些材料具有生物气候或可持续质量,并且价格合适。亭子还可以在展会结束后被拆除,然后捐献给低收入社区作为公共空间利用。This was a small commission to design a pavilion for a construction fair in Medellín and to make the project more interest for us we proposed to the client and promoters a series of conditions: The project must be built with donated materials from the different participant companies of the fair and put together as a mix of a same size panels distributed all over the façades which must be able to move according to the sun orientation or the bioclimatic strategies. These materials must have some bioclimatic or sustainable qualities or be affordable. (Due to the amount of companies interest in participate this terms were not always completed). The pavilion must be disassembled and donated to a low-income community or neighborhood in the city to function as a community space for all kind of events.


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